This pages shows how to use letsencrypt with SurgeMail to create
SSL certificates.
If you have a web server on port 80, (other than surgemail), then
you can tell surgemail the path it needs to use
g_ssl_lets_path "/home/httpd/html/.well-known"
This folder must exist and be writable by the user 'mail', e.g.
mkdir /home/httpd/html/.well-known/acme-challenge
root@mail1:/usr/local/surgemail# chown mail /home/httpd/html/.well-known/acme-challenge
root@mail1:/usr/local/surgemail# chmod 0777 /home/httpd/html/.well-known/acme-challenge
When g_ssl_auto is turned on, the lets/... folder is used instead
of ssl/... so that any existing certificates are not over-written.
When g_ssl_per_domain is enabled, a sub folder for each domain is
created, with self signed certificates (if they don't exist).
So to disable you need to remove g_ssl_auto, and g_ssl_per_domain
(if you didn't use it previously), and restart surgemail.